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Program started at Wed-28-May-2003 15:53.
Analysed requests from Thu-30-Aug-2001 23:15 to Wed-28-May-2003 12:18 (635.54 days).
General SummaryThis report contains overall statistics. (Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending
28-May-2003 15:53).
Monthly ReportThis report lists the activity in each month.
Each unit ( month: pages: --------: -----: Aug 2001: 18:Busiest month: Apr 2003 (1,822 requests for pages).
Weekly ReportThis report lists the activity in each week.
Each unit ( week beg.: pages: ---------: -----: 10/Mar/03: 353:Busiest week: week beginning 7/Apr/03 (547 requests for pages).
Daily SummaryThis report lists the total activity for each day of the week, summed over all the weeks in the report.
Each unit ( day: pages: ---: -----: Mon: 3295:
Hourly SummaryThis report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.
Each unit ( hour: pages: ----: -----: 0: 467:
Request ReportThis report lists the files on the site.
Listing the top 40 files by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests. no.: reqs: last time: file ---: ----: ---------------: ---- 1: 4729: 28/May/03 09:40: digitalconv.html 2: 2035: 28/May/03 11:50: dvd.html 3: 2002: 28/May/03 12:16: index.html 4: 1753: 28/May/03 08:20: winnt.html 5: 1334: 28/May/03 09:33: music.html 6: 1034: 28/May/03 12:16: hot.html 7: 734: 27/May/03 21:13: msfs.html 8: 734: 27/May/03 19:06: favsw.html 9: 709: 27/May/03 17:44: winnt-add.html 10: 655: 25/May/03 20:58: interaktiv.html 11: 600: 28/May/03 08:20: hot2001.html 12: 549: 27/May/03 07:07: winnt-triky.html 13: 430: 28/May/03 09:05: movies.html 14: 383: 28/May/03 07:35: msde.html 15: 377: 26/May/03 18:14: internet.html 16: 282: 23/May/03 16:29: search 17: 282: 27/May/03 15:31: lomax.isilo/ 18: 265: 27/May/03 21:39: msbugs.html 19: 259: 24/May/03 12:55: feedback.html 20: 242: 28/May/03 12:18: faq.html 21: 225: 28/May/03 12:16: business.html 22: 205: 27/May/03 18:03: media.html 23: 205: 28/May/03 06:04: movies-ood.html 24: 154: 28/May/03 08:51: citaty.html 25: 147: 27/May/03 07:17: dark.html 26: 123: 21/May/03 07:38: far.html 27: 99: 23/May/03 12:26: ssl.html 28: 89: 28/May/03 12:15: lohost/fora.asp : 32: 5/May/03 06:52: lohost/fora.asp?id=2&lc=cs&mode=viewall : 25: 28/May/03 12:15: lohost/fora.asp?id=2&lc=cs&st=0&mode=viewall 29: 72: 24/May/03 17:52: gallery/ 30: 71: 5/May/03 18:08: akce/prodej-palm.html 31: 64: 19/May/03 07:05: akce/prodej-n7110.html 32: 59: 21/May/03 07:38: gympl.html 33: 57: 25/May/03 07:59: support/viry.html 34: 55: 24/Oct/02 13:07: main.html 35: 44: 28/May/03 12:16: dwobj.html 36: 40: 28/Apr/03 13:13: gallery/o.asp 37: 37: 22/Apr/03 09:35: translate_c 38: 35: 23/Apr/03 17:42: akce/prodej-sdpretec.html 39: 33: 15/Oct/02 10:08: stats/lostats.html 40: 30: 11/Nov/02 16:36: search/ : 186: 23/May/03 12:27: [not listed: 36 files]
Domain ReportThis report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.
Listing the top 40 domains by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests. no.: reqs: last date: domain ---: ----: ---------: ------ 1: 7817: 28/May/03: [unresolved numerical addresses] 2: 7066: 28/May/03: .cz (Czech Republic) 3: 1729: 28/May/03: .net (Networks) 4: 1242: 28/May/03: .com (Commercial) 5: 421: 28/May/03: .sk (Slovakia) 6: 225: 25/May/03: .nl (Netherlands) 7: 189: 28/May/03: .uk (United Kingdom) 8: 185: 25/May/03: .de (Germany) 9: 180: 25/May/03: .it (Italy) 10: 179: 27/May/03: .pl (Poland) 11: 171: 26/May/03: .be (Belgium) 12: 146: 21/May/03: .fr (France) 13: 130: 28/May/03: .au (Australia) 14: 124: 27/May/03: .es (Spain) 15: 118: 17/May/03: .ca (Canada) 16: 106: 25/May/03: .jp (Japan) 17: 93: 27/May/03: .at (Austria) 18: 90: 19/May/03: .br (Brazil) 19: 82: 24/May/03: .fi (Finland) 20: 81: 27/May/03: .se (Sweden) 21: 80: 21/May/03: .dk (Denmark) 22: 69: 22/May/03: .hu (Hungary) 23: 66: 27/May/03: .edu (USA Higher Education) 24: 65: 23/May/03: .mx (Mexico) 25: 52: 18/May/03: .ch (Switzerland) 26: 51: 21/May/03: .pt (Portugal) 27: 47: 11/Apr/03: .hr (Croatia) 28: 44: 13/Feb/03: .tr (Turkey) 29: 33: 23/May/03: .ru (Russia) 30: 32: 21/Apr/03: .gr (Greece) 31: 31: 25/Apr/03: .no (Norway) 32: 31: 23/May/03: .il (Israel) 33: 30: 20/May/03: .ar (Argentina) 34: 29: 27/Mar/03: .ro (Romania) 35: 25: 18/May/03: .sa (Saudi Arabia) 36: 21: 28/May/03: .tw (Taiwan) 37: 20: 14/May/03: .nz (New Zealand) 38: 20: 24/Apr/03: .sg (Singapore) 39: 18: 25/Apr/03: .ee (Estonia) 40: 17: 16/May/03: .us (United States) : 268: 27/May/03: [not listed: 45 domains]
Organisation ReportThis report lists the organisations of the computers which requested files.
Listing the top 20 organisations by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests. reqs: last time: organisation -----: ---------------: ------------ 904: 27/May/03 23:35: worldonline.cz 859: 27/May/03 19:06: vol.cz 562: 27/May/03 17:57: iol.cz 437: 26/May/03 21:20: contactel.cz 425: 24/May/03 19:49: 194.228 366: 27/May/03 16:21: mistral.cz 341: 23/May/03 09:01: contactel.net 297: 27/May/03 23:01: eurotel.cz 191: 23/May/03 07:39: 62.168 189: 27/May/03 21:13: aol.com 189: 24/May/03 22:58: t-dialin.net 139: 13/May/03 12:29: 212.20 137: 23/May/03 05:43: 195.47 128: 21/Apr/03 14:27: telecom.sk 126: 26/May/03 09:57: cvut.cz 120: 27/May/03 02:47: rr.com 118: 26/May/03 08:35: 195.113 116: 21/May/03 20:31: 212.47 105: 20/May/03 14:32: dkm.cz 104: 17/May/03 13:37: 62.177 15570: 28/May/03 12:18: [not listed: 4,746 organisations]
Host ReportThis report lists the computers which requested files. Listing the top 40 hosts by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests. reqs: last time: host -----: ---------------: ---- 172: 23/May/03 22:11: [ov-ppp].ostrava.worldonline.cz 141: 7/Apr/03 16:29: [op-ppp].dialup.vol.cz 122: 21/May/03 11:47: 75: 20/May/03 02:13: gprs488.eurotel.cz 67: 28/May/03 12:16: www.mnul.cz 64: 21/May/03 01:57: gprs11-59.eurotel.cz 58: 26/May/03 17:33: proxy.contactel.cz 51: 17/Apr/03 07:17: r2v85.mistral.cz 49: 28/Apr/03 12:50: merkur.autocont.cz 46: 3/Jul/02 14:42: 41: 6/Aug/02 14:07: 40: 21/May/03 09:07: cache.sh.cvut.cz 40: 14/May/03 12:27: bgs.eurotel.cz 37: 3/Dec/02 08:30: uzsvm.km.gin.cz 34: 5/May/03 22:51: 33: 26/May/03 09:07: proxy.tesnetwork.cz 31: 12/May/03 07:04: gate.cuzk.cz 30: 29/Apr/03 20:51: pc1.noveveseli.cz 29: 18/May/03 21:24: proxy1.vol.cz 29: 16/May/03 00:55: gprs13-35.eurotel.cz 29: 22/May/03 06:18: user.mpsv.cz 27: 14/Apr/03 13:11: avgate.army.cz 27: 14/May/03 13:12: 27: 14/May/03 14:15: fw.mepnet.cz 27: 16/May/03 19:17: mistralproxy.dkm.cz 26: 2/Apr/03 21:59: mistralproxy.brno.mistral.cz 25: 22/May/03 06:54: ntb.cssz.cz 25: 5/Apr/03 09:16: 25: 13/Apr/03 19:11: 25: 28/May/03 08:05: fw3.ct.cz 24: 12/Mar/03 14:49: 24: 14/May/03 10:25: ns.justice.cz 24: 5/Mar/02 13:26: 23: 19/May/03 17:11: ns0.czcom.cz 23: 8/Nov/02 07:58: 22: 21/May/03 19:08: pr4-ts.telepac.pt 21: 23/May/03 08:57: ns.felk.cvut.cz 21: 31/Jan/03 07:44: bm.mus.cz 21: 18/May/03 07:25: wendy.lf2.cuni.cz 20: 6/May/03 10:36: gw.oskarmobil.cz 19748: 28/May/03 12:18: [not listed: 13,405 hosts]
Referrer ReportThis report lists the referrers (where people followed links from, or pages which included this site's images).
Listing the top 40 referring URLs by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests. no.: reqs: last date: URL ---: ----: ---------: --- 1: 5855: 28/May/03: http://www.google.com/search 2: 807: 31/Oct/02: http://search.seznam.cz/search.cgi : 22: 8/Oct/02: http://search.seznam.cz/search.cgi?min=l-s-f-k&w=winzip32&mod=l-s-f-p : 15: 22/Oct/02: http://search.seznam.cz/search.cgi?w=grafity&from=26&to=50&mod=k-p&step=25&min=l-s-f-k : 11: 8/Oct/02: http://search.seznam.cz/search.cgi?w=flight+simulator+2002&from=1&to=25&mod=k-p&step=25&min=l-s-f-k : 10: 20/Oct/02: http://search.seznam.cz/search.cgi?min=l-s-f-k&w=gifanimator&mod=l-s-f-p : 10: 21/Oct/02: http://search.seznam.cz/search.cgi?w=winzip32&min=l-s-f-k&mod=l-s-f-p&step=25 3: 751: 28/May/03: http://search1.seznam.cz/search.cgi : 27: 27/May/03: http://search1.seznam.cz/search.cgi?mod=k-p&w=msde : 22: 20/May/03: http://search1.seznam.cz/search.cgi?mod=k-p&w=gifanimator : 14: 19/May/03: http://search1.seznam.cz/search.cgi?mod=k-p&w=MSDE : 12: 27/May/03: http://search1.seznam.cz/search.cgi?mod=k-p&w=kaufland.cz : 11: 9/May/03: http://search1.seznam.cz/search.cgi?mod=k-p&w=lomax : 11: 9/Mar/03: http://search1.seznam.cz/search.cgi?w=unzip&mod=k-p&from=11&l=11 4: 604: 9/Nov/02: http://www.altavista.com/sites/search/web 5: 598: 17/Apr/03: http://www.atlas.cz/search.asp : 22: 29/Mar/03: http://www.atlas.cz/search.asp?type=fulltext&from=11&query=animalsex&op=&skin=®ion= : 20: 25/Nov/02: http://www.atlas.cz/search.asp?searchtext=macrovision : 12: 26/Dec/02: http://www.atlas.cz/search.asp?searchtext=intranet : 11: 12/Apr/03: http://www.atlas.cz/search.asp?q=animalsex&t=a&f=20 : 10: 23/Mar/03: http://www.atlas.cz/search.asp?searchtext=animalsex 6: 523: 24/May/03: http://www.google.de/search 7: 410: 28/Feb/03: http://google.yahoo.com/bin/query 8: 401: 27/May/03: http://search.centrum.cz/katalog/search.php 9: 360: 26/May/03: http://www.redbox.cz/search.php3 10: 305: 28/May/03: http://search.yahoo.com/search 11: 291: 28/May/03: http://fajkus.cz/lomax/ 12: 244: 21/Apr/03: http://fulltext.centrum.cz/search.php 13: 223: 26/May/03: http://www.google.nl/search 14: 203: 26/May/03: http://www.google.fr/search 15: 195: 25/May/03: http://www.google.it/search 16: 195: 1/Jan/03: http://geocities.yahoo.com/search 17: 184: 7/May/03: http://www.webfast.cz/search.php 18: 183: 28/May/03: http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search 19: 167: 14/May/03: http://www.google.ca/search 20: 166: 4/Sep/02: http://www.redbox.cz/win/search.php3 21: 157: 28/May/03: http://www.google.co.uk/search 22: 155: 19/May/03: http://search.msn.com/results.asp : 12: 25/Apr/03: http://search.msn.com/results.asp?RS=CHECKED&FORM=MSNH&v=1&q=dvd+riper 23: 99: 16/May/03: http://www.palmserver.cz/av.php3 : 99: 16/May/03: http://www.palmserver.cz/av.php3?c=1 24: 99: 28/May/03: http://fajkus.cz/lohost/fora.asp : 18: 28/May/03: http://fajkus.cz/lohost/fora.asp?id=2&lc=cs&st=0&mode=hdr : 10: 23/May/03: http://fajkus.cz/lohost/fora.asp?id=2&lc=cs&st=0&mode=main 25: 85: 26/May/03: http://www.google.be/search 26: 78: 25/May/03: http://www.google.pl/search 27: 78: 24/May/03: http://www.google.com/custom 28: 76: 26/May/03: http://www.mujweb.cz/zabava/knihovnicka/ 29: 76: 21/May/03: http://fajkus.cz/lomax/winnt.html 30: 74: 21/May/03: http://www.google.com.br/search 31: 72: 27/May/03: http://www.mobil.cz/rozbal_diskusi.html : 22: 27/May/03: http://www.mobil.cz/rozbal_diskusi.html?diskuse=13376&vsechny_r=0&zpet=/mobilni_komunikace/operatori/sluzby/sluzby_eurotel/data_nonstop030409.html : 13: 29/Apr/03: http://www.mobil.cz/rozbal_diskusi.html?diskuse=13376&vsechny_r=0 : 11: 7/May/03: http://www.mobil.cz/rozbal_diskusi.html?diskuse=13476&vsechny_r=0&zpet=/mobilni_komunikace/mobilni_technologie/GPRS/gprs_prehled030415.html 32: 66: 25/May/03: http://www.google.co.jp/search : 11: 14/Jan/02: http://www.google.co.jp/search?q=cpshost+ssl&hl=ja&btnG=Google+%8C%9F%8D%F5&lr= 33: 62: 26/May/03: http://jyxo.cz/search.php 34: 60: 28/May/03: http://fajkus.cz/lomax/hot.html 35: 58: 28/May/03: http://fajkus.cz/lomax/index.html 36: 58: 27/May/03: http://fajkus.cz/lomax/favsw.html 37: 57: 18/May/03: http://www.google.ch/search 38: 56: 27/May/03: http://fajkus.cz/lomax/dvd.html 39: 54: 28/May/03: http://fajkus.cz/lomax/digitalconv.html 40: 53: 27/May/03: http://www.google.at/search : 2762: 28/May/03: [not listed: 536 URLs]
Referring Site ReportThis report lists which servers people followed links from.
Listing the top 40 referring sites by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests. no.: reqs: last date: site ---: ----: ---------: ---- 1: 5945: 28/May/03: http://www.google.com/ 2: 1318: 28/May/03: http://fajkus.cz/ 3: 807: 31/Oct/02: http://search.seznam.cz/ 4: 751: 28/May/03: http://search1.seznam.cz/ 5: 727: 27/May/03: http://www.altavista.com/ 6: 674: 28/May/03: http://www.atlas.cz/ 7: 528: 26/May/03: http://www.redbox.cz/ 8: 523: 24/May/03: http://www.google.de/ 9: 493: 28/May/03: http://search.yahoo.com/ 10: 431: 28/May/03: http://search.centrum.cz/ 11: 412: 28/Feb/03: http://google.yahoo.com/ 12: 274: 15/May/03: http://fulltext.centrum.cz/ 13: 223: 26/May/03: http://www.google.nl/ 14: 208: 26/May/03: http://search.msn.com/ 15: 203: 26/May/03: http://www.google.fr/ 16: 195: 25/May/03: http://www.google.it/ 17: 195: 1/Jan/03: http://geocities.yahoo.com/ 18: 184: 7/May/03: http://www.webfast.cz/ 19: 168: 14/May/03: http://www.google.ca/ 20: 157: 28/May/03: http://www.google.co.uk/ 21: 99: 16/May/03: http://www.palmserver.cz/ 22: 85: 26/May/03: http://www.google.be/ 23: 79: 26/May/03: http://www.mujweb.cz/ 24: 78: 25/May/03: http://www.google.pl/ 25: 77: 27/May/03: http://www.mobil.cz/ 26: 74: 21/May/03: http://www.google.com.br/ 27: 69: 26/May/03: http://jyxo.cz/ 28: 66: 25/May/03: http://www.google.co.jp/ 29: 61: 20/Oct/02: http://www.lomax.iol.cz/ 30: 57: 18/May/03: http://www.google.ch/ 31: 55: 22/May/03: http://www.volny.cz/ 32: 53: 27/May/03: http://www.google.at/ 33: 47: 27/May/03: http://www.rkstaviva.cz/ 34: 46: 29/Apr/03: http://www.mobilmania.cz/ 35: 44: 26/Dec/02: http://ftxt.quick.cz/ 36: 42: 22/May/03: http://hledej.quick.cz/ 37: 40: 17/Nov/02: http://www.google.com.pl/ 38: 40: 22/May/03: http://www.google.com.au/ 39: 40: 24/May/03: http://www.google.fi/ 40: 38: 3/Nov/02: http://uk.altavista.com/ : 1394: 28/May/03: [not listed: 277 sites]
Search Query ReportThis report lists which queries people used in search engines to find the site. Listing the top 50 queries by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests. reqs: last date: search term ----: ---------: ----------- 104: 22/Feb/03: atimisch 54: 24/May/03: adm.dll 54: 27/May/03: public proxys 53: 26/May/03: msde 52: 27/May/03: dialupuselansettings 49: 24/May/03: lomax 36: 24/May/03: su0168 35: 28/May/03: cpshost.dll download 31: 23/May/03: tekram av 100 30: 19/May/03: powerdvd 2.55 crack 30: 8/May/03: dvd riper 28: 23/May/03: cpshost.dll 27: 24/May/03: winvcr download 27: 3/Apr/03: nt v 25: 26/May/03: tanita ticaram lyrics 25: 17/Apr/03: ms flightsim 24: 22/May/03: flightsim 23: 15/May/03: adm.dll download 23: 19/May/03: kopirovani dvd 23: 26/May/03: cdohtml.dll download 22: 28/Apr/03: isilo 21: 27/May/03: ntbackup 20: 3/May/03: powerdvd multiregion 20: 14/May/03: id3com 20: 27/Apr/03: powerdvd crack 19: 19/Dec/02: tereza vrankova 19: 23/Apr/03: media hall 19: 30/Apr/03: nokia 9250i 18: 26/Mar/03: dvd rip 18: 25/May/03: shakespeare's sister stay video 17: 18/Dec/02: kopírování dvd 17: 16/Apr/03: edyta gorniak gallery 17: 21/Jan/03: ifilmedit download 17: 20/May/03: shakespeare's sister stay 17: 29/Oct/02: tanita ticaram 16: 27/May/03: download cdohtml.dll 16: 22/Sep/02: powerdvd cracked 16: 23/May/03: super dvd riper crack 15: 25/May/03: decss 15: 13/May/03: download cpshost.dll 15: 20/May/03: exstrace.dll 15: 24/Jan/03: smtpapi.dll 14: 29/Apr/03: kaufland.cz 14: 13/Jan/03: quickbeam suite download 14: 9/Jan/03: cpshost ssl 13: 7/May/03: nt4 directx 13: 3/May/03: shakespeare's sister stay lyric 13: 15/May/03: nokia firmware 12: 22/Apr/03: cdcovers celine dion 12: 18/May/03: online flight simulator 9605: 28/May/03: [not listed: 7,341 search terms]
Search Word ReportThis report lists which words people used in search engines to find the site.
Listing the top 40 query words by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests. no.: reqs: last date: search term ---: -----: ---------: ----------- 1: 1138: 28/May/03: download 2: 759: 27/May/03: nokia 3: 575: 28/May/03: dvd 4: 513: 27/May/03: remote 5: 310: 26/May/03: windows 6: 303: 26/May/03: free 7: 283: 27/May/03: control 8: 253: 22/May/03: ir 9: 250: 23/May/03: powerdvd 10: 250: 20/May/03: drivers 11: 244: 25/May/03: for 12: 238: 24/May/03: irda 13: 236: 25/May/03: xp 14: 235: 23/May/03: crack 15: 227: 25/May/03: tv 16: 216: 28/May/03: palm 17: 194: 26/May/03: online 18: 192: 25/May/03: proxy 19: 185: 24/May/03: cd 20: 184: 27/May/03: cz 21: 184: 26/May/03: nt 22: 176: 28/May/03: lyrics 23: 168: 26/May/03: firmware 24: 163: 27/May/03: flight 25: 161: 27/May/03: software 26: 154: 25/May/03: driver 27: 152: 20/May/03: hp 28: 151: 18/May/03: ati 29: 151: 28/May/03: lomax 30: 150: 24/May/03: freeware 31: 147: 28/May/03: sister 32: 143: 23/May/03: unlock 33: 138: 16/May/03: code 34: 137: 23/May/03: 7110 35: 137: 26/May/03: ma600 36: 136: 27/May/03: cdcovers 37: 135: 15/May/03: infrared 38: 134: 27/May/03: ms 39: 132: 23/May/03: 6210 40: 132: 27/May/03: winamp : 24453: 28/May/03: [not listed: 3,161 search terms]
Browser SummaryThis report lists the vendors of visitors' browsers.
Listing browsers with at least 1 request for a page, sorted by the number of requests for pages. no.: reqs: last date: browser ---: -----: ---------: ------- 1: 20073: 28/May/03: MSIE : 10587: 28/May/03: MSIE/6 : 9100: 28/May/03: MSIE/5 : 369: 19/May/03: MSIE/4 : 15: 7/Apr/03: MSIE/3 : 1: 19/Oct/01: MSIE/2 : 1: 8/Dec/02: MSIE/7 2: 549: 28/May/03: Mozilla : 493: 28/May/03: Mozilla/1 : 31: 3/May/03: Mozilla/0 3: 369: 28/May/03: Opera : 234: 27/May/03: Opera/6 : 93: 28/May/03: Opera/7 : 40: 15/Mar/03: Opera/5 : 2: 22/Jul/02: Opera/3 4: 329: 27/May/03: Netscape : 270: 14/May/03: Netscape/4 : 55: 27/May/03: Netscape/6 : 4: 20/Jan/03: Netscape/3 5: 44: 28/Apr/03: Netscape (compatible) 6: 23: 26/May/03: Konqueror : 16: 26/May/03: Konqueror/3 : 7: 30/Sep/02: Konqueror/2 7: 16: 25/May/03: Galeon : 15: 25/May/03: Galeon/1 8: 3: 18/Dec/02: Teleport Pro : 3: 18/Dec/02: Teleport Pro/1 9: 3: 20/Jul/02: WebTV : 3: 20/Jul/02: WebTV/2 10: 3: 18/Sep/02: Dual Proxy 11: 2: 31/Jul/02: "Mozilla : 2: 31/Jul/02: "Mozilla/4 12: 2: 10/Mar/03: Obscurix : 2: 10/Mar/03: Obscurix/0 13: 1: 28/Oct/02: Googlebot : 1: 28/Oct/02: Googlebot/2 14: 1: 23/Mar/03: xChaos_Arachne : 1: 23/Mar/03: xChaos_Arachne/4 15: 1: 27/Mar/03: c0re.hysteria.sk : 1: 27/Mar/03: c0re.hysteria.sk/1
Operating System ReportThis report lists the operating systems used by visitors.
Listing operating systems, sorted by the number of requests for pages. no.: reqs: last date: OS ---: -----: ---------: -- 1: 20991: 28/May/03: Windows : 6170: 28/May/03: Windows 98 : 5902: 28/May/03: Windows 2000 : 4648: 28/May/03: Windows XP : 1594: 27/May/03: Windows NT : 1542: 27/May/03: Windows ME : 626: 28/May/03: Windows 95 : 500: 28/May/03: Unknown Windows : 7: 8/Jan/02: Windows 16-bit : 2: 3/Feb/03: Windows 32-bit 2: 257: 27/May/03: Unix : 234: 27/May/03: Linux : 11: 7/May/03: SunOS : 5: 27/Apr/03: BSD : 4: 19/Mar/03: Other Unix : 2: 20/Mar/02: IRIX : 1: 16/Jan/02: AIX 3: 141: 26/May/03: Macintosh : 141: 26/May/03: Macintosh PowerPC 4: 18: 27/Apr/03: OS unknown 5: 7: 7/Apr/03: Known robots 6: 3: 20/Jul/02: WebTV 7: 1: 21/Aug/02: BeOS 8: 1: 30/Nov/02: OS/2
Running time: 38 seconds. |
(c) 2000 Karel Fajkus |