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My (very) real name:   Karel Fajkus

About my first name:

Všechny kritiky jsou vítány.

All comments are appreciated.


Odpovědní formulář

Rychlé a jednoduché.

Feedback Form

No offerings of your SEO or marketing services please.

Vaše jméno | Your name:
Vaše e-mailová adresa:
Your e-mail address:
Vaše zpráva: | Your message:
  Díky! | Thank you!

Instant messenger

Co to je?
What's that?

MSN Messenger

[email protected]

Na tuto adresu mi prosím neposílejte e-maily.
Do not send e-mails to this address please.

Právě jsem: | Currently I'm: Online Status Indicator

Všechny adresy elektronické poštu na této straně mají vložen navíc text "Xrem555oveX". 
Abyste mohli adresy použít, odstraňte tento text.

All e-mail addresses you can find on this page have an extra text  "Xrem555oveX".
To use these addresses, remove this text.


[email protected]


Public PGP Key 1024/F859098D 1997/04/23 Karel Fajkus

snail mail,

Company I work for:

Myself, finally.  :)

Snail mail not available at this time. (I'm kinda paranoid.)

My Usenet activities

Deja.com Author Posting History: 1, 2, 3 (as I changed my e-mail addresses over time).


regarding my homepage

Notes regarding my homepage/web:

  • All dates are in Czech/European format, e.g. 8.12.1999 means December the eighth, AD 1999.
  • On many pages you can find the mixture of Czech and English. This is intentional.
  • Some things are still in Czech only, as I slowly rebuild my web. You can try to request the translation of a page (or it's portion) you may find useful and you don't understand. But, of course, I can't guarantee anything. :)

Some pages already in English:


Moje třída na gymnáziu

(c) 1996-2003 Karel Fajkus